I finally began working on my sweet daughter's quilt for her crib. Hopefully she won't be out of the crib before I finish it. I'm using the Buggy Sue & Walter pattern by Zan Taylor Designs which incorporates a lot of applique. I was making excellent progress until my ZigZag stitch setting went out on me. So, the "work" is no longer "in progress". Don't you hate when that happens! I miss my machine and the small bursts of time I utilized to express my "creativity" ahem "boredom" when Ella is sleeping or bouncing happily while watching me sew. Hopefully, I will be re-inspired when I get my machine back. For now, I will use my time to read and then obsess over which fabric to use for the border. In case you can't tell from this AWFUL iPhone pic, the color palette is reds, pinks, and a little black. I love that it's girly but not too babyish. Hopefully this little quilt will stand the test of time for my little one and carry her through her toddler years.
The appliqué on the circles has really become problematic. My machine kept skipping stitches so I brought it in to be serviced. It worked fine for a few stitches when I brought it home but is now skipping again. GRRRR.... I may be appliqueing my hand or just quilting over the circles! ARGH!